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WPIC’s Charles Lavoie on Douyin’s E-commerce Success

Published on: July 17, 2024

In China’s e-commerce scene, there’s been a seismic shift that’s got everyone talking: the meteoric rise of Douyin e-commerce. Internationally known as TikTok, this platform has evolved from a social media app into a major player in online shopping, setting trends and reshaping how people buy things. In 2023, Douyin’s GMV hit an eye-watering ¥2.2 trillion (that’s US$340.6 billion), with a whopping 88% of that coming from livestreaming and short videos.

Douyin’s ascent has sent shivers down the spines of established e-commerce behemoths like Tmall. Take the cosmetics sector, for instance. Douyin has grabbed about 30% of the market share, putting a serious dent in Tmall’s once unchallenged reign.

We recently caught up with Charles Lavoie, the VP of Marketing and Head of Creative Labs here at WPIC Marketing + Technologies, to chat about Douyin’s surging influence and how savvy brands can use it to connect with Chinese consumers.


Douyin Shopping Trends & Explosive Growth

Douyin’s surge in the Chinese market has been nothing short of a phenomenon. It’s like watching a fireworks display where every explosion is bigger than the last.

Lavoie highlighted how the platform has masterfully blended entertainment and commerce, creating an engaging space where users can hop from watching funny videos to buying the latest must-have gadget without skipping a beat.

“Douyin has been able to quickly determine the mood of its users — whether they’re in the mood to be entertained, to shop, or to learn something new — and tailor content accordingly,” Lavoie explained. Imagine a mind reader who also happens to be an excellent salesperson. That’s Douyin e-commerce.

One of the keys to Douyin’s runaway success is its sophisticated algorithm that personalises the user experience. “They can push content that is tailored to the immediate mood of the user within a fraction of seconds,” Lavoie noted. This keeps users glued to their screens and, more importantly for Douyin, makes them more likely to indulge in spontaneous retail therapy.

But Douyin didn’t morph into a shopping juggernaut overnight.

At first, it wooed Chinese brands with lower prices and enticing media incentives. It was a clever ploy to build consumer trust and get folks comfortable with the idea of shopping on Douyin. Gradually, as people started buying more, Douyin expanded its marketplace to include bigger brands and pricier products, turning itself into a retail behemoth.

For a deeper dive into how Douyin is shaping the future of social commerce, explore our detailed analysis on social commerce trends on Douyin.

WPIC’s Charles Lavoie on Douyin’s E-commerce Success - Brand owned Douyin content
Official brand content on Douyin

Douyin Marketing Strategy: How Brands Can Thrive

For brands eyeing a slice of Douyin’s booming pie, it’s not just about showing up. It’s about understanding the platform’s unique quirks and perks.

First things first, brands need to establish both a Douyin official account and a Douyin store. These two should work in harmony to create a seamless shopping experience.

And if you really want to make a splash, teaming up with livestreamers is the way to go. “Livestreamers will have their own store as well, which will present the top-selling products that specific live streamer has sold,” Lavoie explained. This clever integration means brands can engage with consumers at multiple touchpoints, like a retail hydra with many heads, all snapping up potential buyers.

Certain product categories have seen meteoric growth on Douyin.

Fast-moving consumer goods like cosmetics, skincare, nutraceuticals, and food are flying off the virtual shelves. Even pet food and consumer electronics are getting in on the action. “As the livestreamer economy has expanded on Douyin, we’ve seen livestreamers that focus on specific niches like consumer electronics becoming very successful,” Lavoie said.

It’s like having your very own personal QVC channel, catering to every niche and whim. This diversification underscores Douyin’s prowess in meeting a broad spectrum of consumer interests and needs.

WPIC's Charles Lavoie on Douyin's E-commerce Success - Nuface's Douyin E-commerce
NuFACE's Douyin store

The Future of Douyin E-commerce

While Douyin’s model has been smashing it in China, trying to replicate this success in the Western world is like trying to teach a cat to swim. It’s not impossible, but it’s not happening overnight either.

“I’m not that bullish on TikTok Shop in the short term,” Lavoie admitted. Western consumers and brands are rather possessive about their data and direct relationships, which makes them about as keen on marketplace models like TikTok Shop as they are on root canals. However, as TikTok starts peddling lower-ticket items directly from factories, we might see a slow and steady shift, akin to the gradual adoption seen in China.

Looking ahead, it’s clear that platforms like Douyin will continue to play a pivotal role in China’s e-commerce landscape. The trick for brands is to stay nimble, keeping a keen eye on the shifting sands of Chinese consumer preferences. Whether it’s harnessing AI to tailor the shopping experience or teaming up with influencers to bolster brand trust, the possibilities are as vast as the Great Wall itself.

At WPIC, we specialise in helping brands navigate this dynamic environment. From setting up your Douyin store to optimising your presence with data-driven strategies, we’ve got the tools and expertise to make sure your brand isn’t just surviving but thriving in the crowded digital marketplace. 

Ready to harness the power of Douyin?

Contact WPIC today and let’s get started.

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